Thursday, December 17, 2009

Fall 2009 Semester End! Digital Clothed Figure Drawing (part2)

These are some of my best drawings from Digital Clothed Figure Drawing this semester plus the top three which I did today in class. It was a very fun experimental class that I recommend to any illustrators at AAU. So, thus, my semester ends. Look forward to my Lego work this winter break. Merry Christmas and praise the awesome, Lord Jesus Christ.

Monday, December 14, 2009

Digital Clothed Figure Drawing Final (part 1)

Part of my Digital Clothed Figure Drawing final (12 good drawings). On the left is what I did in the 10 minute pose during class. On the right is me experimenting with color and line and trying to make a cleaner and more impactful drawing. More to come!

London Bridge is Burning down, burning down! Our Fair Lady!

This is my final for Sci-fi Illustration with Stephen Player. Awesome class, great critiques! This is a cover for War of the Worlds. Been learning by trial and error how to digitally paint stuff! The final of this piece is soooo much better than how it started, but that is usually how most art work progresses- and it's fun to see. Anyway, about to finish my work this semester. Expect shortly some more work before my winter break.

Thursday, November 12, 2009

Digital Clothed Figure in perspective assignment

Had an assignment due today for my Digital Clothed Figure Drawing class where we had to do two figures in perspective from picture reference. Here they are.

Monday, November 9, 2009

November Super Post

Here is what I could finish in my allotted time for my cross-section (as I have to present a new design this Tuesday as well for the same class). I am not all that satisfied, but I have to move on and do what time permits.
The rest of this stuff is from my other 2 studio classes. The two images are for Illustration 3. The Hip-Hop is a poster design and the animals are icon designs. Both were done using Adobe Illustrator. The rest is what I have been doing in AAU's experimental class: Digital Clothed Figure Drawing where we use the 21inch Cintiq screens and Photoshop to draw the clothed figure from life. So here are some samples of my work. As usual, hope you enjoy!

Monday, September 28, 2009

Spring 2009 Begins!!!

I'm back for another semester! Just 3 semesters more to go and I will be done with school! Anyway, one of the classes I am taking this semester is Sci-Fi Illustration (science fiction, fantasy, horror). My first assignment I had to choose an illustration idea from a specific author's work. I decided to do this bronze, flying fish and do a cross-section of it while practicing with my Cintiq and digital painting skills (still need to work on these skills). This semester I will be able to experiment with more ways of cross-section illustration as I will be doing cross-sections and exploded view of machinery from H.G. Wells "The War of the Worlds" So look forward to more work this semester!