Here is my Heads and Hands 2 final. It had to be a portrait with two hands in acrylic. I literally only had two times to work on it (so maybe seven hours total of work?) It's loose, but I guess that works for the feel of the piece. *shrug*

First acrylic portrait done in values. (it's hard to paint in values when you're painting in the dark)

Here is a pastel portrait I did in class in Heads and Hands 2.

Sorry that these next images are a little bit distorted. (was having a bad lighting day in my room) This is a drawing from my last day of Clothed Figure Drawing 3.

I honestly love working this way in a figure drawing. I am most comfortable when I use patterns, simplistic shapes, and minimal amount of color on a toned surface. Everyone has their own approach and each can work great for them. For instance check out Petur's (PAACart) CF3 drawings on his blog. They're awesome and vastly different from what I did. I had a lot of fun this semester and will hopefully be able to continue and finish my time here at the Academy. If things go well I will have this coming summer, fall, spring, summer, and fall (2010)! Hoped you enjoyed this semester's work!