Saturday, November 17, 2012

War of the Worlds Tripod (part 9)

Here is some progress on the outer-layer line-work.  For the most part I have been doing all the line-weights at 0.15 in Illustrator.  The basket was perhaps the most complicated piece on the tripod to draw so I went ahead and finished the final line-weights on this particular section as I had built up momentum on it.  Line-weights are as follows: The outermost line (for the entire tripod) 0.75, secondary inner bold lines 0.5, inner bold lines 0.35, main line work 0.15, and plane changes/details 0.05.  It is taking quite some time to complete this stage of my project, but I want to make sure I'm doing it right.  Since I plan on publishing this and future works I want to ensure each artwork is of the best quality and close to or on par with the level of some of the masters of cutaway/cross-section art.  
Stay tuned for future updates.

Monday, November 5, 2012

War of the Worlds Tripod (part 8)

I have been unexpectedly delayed in my project for my War of the Worlds Tripod cutaway.  The past month I have been dealing with a minor disk protrusion in my lower back.  In order to let it heal, after sitting at work all day, when I have been getting home most of the time I have been laying down rather than exasperating the issue by sitting longer and working on my cutaway.  Back pain on any level is rough, but I am blessed that it is healing so quickly. 
I'm doing much better now and have started back up the linework first level for the cutaway.  I will post it here once complete.  I am also recording my process/progress and when I figure out how to put the videos together and speed it up I will put it up here as well.
Above is a quick sketch I did tonight of the direction I want to head in the design of the martians.  Some alterations from H.G.Well's version I feel are necessary as the description translated into art tends to produce a cute look rather than a sinister alien look.  Anyway, enjoy!